There is a movement by Member State Associations to implement a Nationwide State Legislative Agenda that focuses on issues important to members of the healthcare community, including nurses, CMA’s, CNA’s.   These efforts are necessary because of the continuing injury rate among health care workers. But it is not necessary to spend a large amount of money to have your facility NoLift compliant before someone tells you that you must.

But what actions can be taken by your organization to preempt these regulations.  The process begins by understand the problem.  The human body is difficult to transfer.  It is heavy and flexible making its transfer difficult.   Patients are categorized into two groups those who meet the assessment requirement for manual transfer and those who do not.

The majority of patients can be safely transferred manually without lifting (35lb. max limit.)  The techniques must be learned and the process can be aided with a simple small tools like gait belt and lateral transfer plate.  A NoLift training, testing, and certification program can ensure the entire staff is competent to conduct a manual no-lift transfer.   Training, Testing, Certification